What are my odds of:
Being struck by lightning
Shocked Hmm by Jack Keenan
Lightning Overview
According to the CDC about 40 million lightning strikes hit the ground in the United States each year, however the odds of being struck by a bolt are less than one in a million. Of those hit, almost 90% survive. Many survivors are scarred or sustain nerve damage.
A large majority of lightning strike fatalities occur during water related leisure activities including: fishing, boating, laying on the beach, or swimming. Other hazardous locations and activities during lightning are open fields, under trees, playing golf, and utilizing heavy equipment.
Below are various maps and resources displaying where and when lightning is striking and relative odds.
Lightning deaths are quite rare and have been becoming much more uncommon. Places with large amounts of rural outdoor activities, Gulf states, and other areas with frequent storm systems seem to account for most lightning deaths. Males are disproportionally likely to be struck, possibly because many waterside hobbies and professions are male dominated and these places are the likeliest to be struck.
Lightning related fatality rates have plummeted in the last hundred years.
During a thunderstorm in Minecraft, the chance of being struck by lightning is 1 in 100,000, however if you are standing on top of a lightning rod, your chances will obviously be much higher :))
Can you alter your odds ?
Yes! Prevent yourself from being struck!
If avoiding the coming storm is not a possibility, attempt to minimize possible damage.
Lightning Strike Odds Calculator
Current estimates of the odds of being struck by lightning at some point in your lifetime is around 1/15300 and your chance of being struck in a given year is less than 1 in a million. However, the chance that you are struck is likely much different than that in reality.
With the calculator below we can estimate a more personal approximation of your chance of being struck.